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  • Industries

    Railways, Roads, Airports

    Machine description

    This area will involve site preparation, earthwork handling, road leveling and other operations

    Fit Machines

    Wheel Loader
    SEM655D (Weichai) SEM656D (Weichai) SEM658C SEM659C SEM660D SEM668C SEM669C
    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM522

    Machine description

    These projects might include the construction of port, dock as well as the cleaning, stockpilling, loading and moving etc of cargo and materials

    Fit Machines

    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM522
    Wheel Loader
    SEM655D (Cummins) SEM656D (Cummins) SEM658C SEM659C SEM660D SEM668C SEM669C
    Track Type Tractor
    SEM822 SEM822LGP

    Machine description

    This segment might include the surface striping of the mining sites, mining roas builing and maintenance, site cleaning, material loading and transporting etc

    Fit Machines

    Wheel Loader
    SEM655D (Cummins) SEM656D (Cummins) SEM658C SEM659C SEM660D SEM668C SEM669C
    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    Municipal/Industry Zone Projects

    Machine description

    This segment might involve old building tearing down, site preparation, material loading and moving, digging, base construction, ground leveling and compaction etc

    Fit Machines

    Wheel Loader
    SEM655D (Cummins) SEM656D (Weichai) SEM658C SEM659C SEM660D SEM668C SEM669C
    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM522
    Agriculture/Animal Husbandry & Farmland Transform

    Machine description

    This segment might include but not limited to field transform, planting trees, build fish pond projects. Will involve digging ditch, land leveling, backfilling and earch moving etc

    Fit Machines

    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    SEM822 SEM822LGP
    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM520
    Water Conservancy/Hydropower

    Machine description

    This segment might include river/lake transforming, antiflood project, dam construction, hydropower etc. Will involve material moving, digging, pushing, leveling and backfilling etc.

    Fit Machines

    Wheel Loader
    SEM655D (Cummins) SEM656D (Cummins) SEM658C SEM659C SEM660D SEM668C SEM669C
    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    SEM822 SEM822LGP
    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM522

    Machine description

    This segment mainly include site preparation of the landfill, road construction and waste handling. The main equipment application include the earth moving, digging, leveling in early stage and the waste spreading, covering and compaction etc

    Fit Machines

    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM522
    Coal yard/Energy/Power plant

    Machine description

    This segment mainly include the construction of energy palnt and power generation. It will involve earth moving, site leveling, compaction in the construction stage and the coal handling in the production period

    Fit Machines

    Wheel Loader
    SEM655D (Cummins) SEM656D (Cummins) SEM658C SEM659C SEM660D SEM668C SEM669C
    Track Type Tractor
    SEM822 SEM822LGP
    Soil Compactor
    SEM518 SEM520 SEM522
    Environment Protection/Desert Manage Project

    Machine description

    This segment mainly include water reservation, land transform, desert control, grass/tree planting and environment greening etc. Will involve earth moving, digging, spreading, backfilling activities

    Fit Machines

    Track Type Tractor

    Machine description

    Short Distance moving and load/unload

    Fit Machines


    Machine description

    There are some other industries that are not mentioned in the amove list that SEM products are also applicable to support applications like road building, site preparation and material handling etc.

    Fit Machines

    Motor Grader
    SEM919 SEM921 SEM922AWD
    Track Type Tractor
    Soil Compactor
    SEM512 SEM520 SEM522


